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Appearance and Grooming

Communication is employers #1 desirable skill! Be sure your own skills in these four areas of communication are top-notch: 

  • Verbal: Develop your vocabulary, cut out slang, specific acronyms, and youthful talk. Take turns when speaking, and don’t hog the conversation
  • Non-verbal: Attend to posture, eye contact, facial expressions and personal space/distance, remember to smile, and give the speaker your full attention to
    convey that there is nothing more important than you. This includes turning off your phone (vibrate does not count).
  • Written: Be polite, short, concise, and error-free
  • Listening: Stop talking, show interest, ask questions, and don’t interrupt

Telephone Communication

The telephone is used a lot in the selection process including setting up interviews, phone interviews, and job offers. Make sure your telephone etiquette is top-rate!.

Email Communication

 Email is not an etiquette-free zone, nor is it instant messaging! It is a professional form of communication and should follow good writing guidelines.

Guidelines for use of Social Media

Social Media is a wonderful tool for creating a professional network and presence online. However, it is not all fun and games. If you are applying to jobs, you want to portray yourself as a professional online as well. If you are actively using Social Media for your job search (or not), be aware that anyone can read your posts, including your future boss.